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The Angelic Order

By  Khristron.com

The traditional history of angels is rooted in ancient mythology and religious texts. In the Bible, angels are first mentioned in the book of Genesis, where they are sent to guard the Garden of Eden. Throughout the Bible, angels are portrayed as celestial beings of light that are sent by God to aid mankind. They are often seen as messengers, protectors, and intercessors who bridge the gap between the physical world and the spiritual realm. 

In many religions, angels are seen as powerful spiritual beings that are created by God to serve His divine plan. They are often seen as intermediaries between God and man, helping to keep the peace between the two. They are believed to possess superhuman strength and be capable of performing miracles. 

In some faiths, angels are seen as guardian angels that are assigned to watch over us and protect us from evil. They are thought to be messengers of God, delivering messages from the divine realm to mankind. Other faiths believe that angels are sent to guide us in our spiritual journey and offer us guidance and comfort. 

The traditional view of angels is that they are a form of divine protection and guidance. They are seen as messengers of God, sent to help us in our daily lives. They are believed to be able to intervene in our lives, bringing us divine messages, healing, and protection. 

In some traditions, angels are associated with the four elements of air, fire, water, and earth. Each element is thought to be represented by an angel, and each angel is believed to have its own unique power and purpose. For example, the angel of air is thought to be the protector of travelers, while the angel of fire is believed to bring warmth, light, and protection. 

The traditional history and role of angels is one that has been shaped by centuries of religious and cultural beliefs. Although there are many interpretations of angels and their role in our lives, one thing is certain: they are a powerful source of spiritual guidance and protection.

The Angelic Order

1. Seraphim – The highest order of angels, the Seraphim are closest to God and serve as His most trusted advisors. They have the most direct access to God and His throne, and are often seen as messengers of His will. 

2. Cherubim – are the second highest order of angels and serve as guardians of God’s throne. Their duties include protecting the throne and its occupants, as well as providing guidance and support to the other angelic orders. 

3. Thrones – The Thrones are third in rank and serve as the heavenly court of justice. They are responsible for administering justice in Heaven and enforcing God’s laws. 

4. Dominions – The Dominions are the fourth highest rank of angels and are responsible for carrying out God’s will on Earth. They are also charged with protecting the world from evil influences. 

5. Virtues – The Virtues are the fifth highest order of angels and are responsible for protecting and guiding humanity. They are believed to be the angels of miracles and the source of divine inspiration. 

6. Powers – The Powers are the sixth highest order of angels and are responsible for protecting the cosmos from evil forces. They are also responsible for maintaining the balance between good and evil. 

7. Principalities – The Principalities are the seventh highest order of angels and are responsible for governing the affairs of nations and guiding their leaders. 

8. Archangels – The Archangels are the eighth highest order of angels and are believed to be the closest to humans. They are responsible for carrying out God’s will on Earth and providing guidance and assistance to humans in times of need. 

9. Angels – The Angels are the ninth highest order of angels and serve as messengers between Heaven and Earth. They are believed to be the most visible form of angelic presence on Earth and are responsible for communicating God’s will to humans.

The Pantheon of Twelve Classic Archangels.


angel2 - KHRISTRONThe Twelve Archangels are among the most powerful and revered angels in the heavenly realms. Traditionally, there are twelve Archangels, though some religious traditions recognize more. These powerful spiritual beings are said to have been appointed by God to be His special messengers and guardians. 

They are believed to be the guardians of Heaven and the protectors of humanity. In the Bible, they are mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and their names are associated with certain specific tasks. 

Michael: Michael is a chief commander of the archangels, and his name means “who is like God.” He is the guardian of Israel, the protector of the soul, and the angel of mercy. He is the patron angel of police officers, soldiers, and doctors. 

Gabriel: Gabriel is the angel of revelation and annunciation. He is the messenger of God, and he is thought to have announced the birth of Jesus to Mary. He is the patron angel of communication, knowledge, and teachers. 

Raphael: Raphael is the angel of healing and the patron angel of travelers and doctors. He is often depicted with a staff and a cup of medicine. He is thought to provide healing and protection from physical and spiritual harm. 

Uriel: Uriel is the angel of wisdom and knowledge. He is thought to be the “light bearer” and the guardian of the Tree of Life. He is the patron angel of scholars and philosophers. 

Jophiel: Jophiel is the angel of beauty and joy. He is thought to bring beauty and happiness to those who need it. He is the patron angel of artists and creativity. 

Zadkiel: Zadkiel is the angel of mercy and benevolence. He is thought to bring compassion and help those in need. He is the patron angel of charity and kindness. 

Chamuel: Chamuel is the angel of peace and love. He is thought to be a messenger of peace and bring harmony to those in conflict. He is the patron angel of lovers and peace-makers. 

Azrael: Azrael is the angel of death and transformation. He is thought to help souls transition from one state to another. He is the patron angel of those facing death and those going through a major change. 

Raziel: Raziel is the angel of mysteries and secrets. He is thought to bring knowledge and understanding of the unknown. He is the patron angel of knowledge seekers and mystics. 

Metatron: Metatron is the angel of transformation and ascension. He is thought to help souls ascend to higher realms of consciousness. He is the patron angel of those on a spiritual quest. 

Sandalphon: Sandalphon is the angel of prayer and supplication. He is thought to bring prayers to the throne of heaven. He is the patron angel of intercessors, prayer warriors, and those in need of spiritual guidance. 

Haniel: Haniel is the angel of grace and beauty. She is thought to bring harmony and beauty to those in need. She is the patron angel of grace and beauty. 

The extended Family:

Selaphiel: Selaphiel is the angel of prayer and is often seen with a censer in his hand. He is believed to be the one who taught the prayers of the saints to the prophets. 

Jegudiel: Jegudiel is the angel of mercy and can be seen as the guardian of the poor. He is often depicted with a sword and shield and is seen as the defender of justice. He is believed to be the one who helped Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt. 

Mebahiah: Mebahiah is the angel of patience and is often seen with an hourglass in his hand. He is believed to be the one who taught mankind to be patient and endure hardships.

Mumiah: Mumiah is the angel of strength and is often seen with a pair of scales in his hand. He is believed to be the one who gave strength to the righteous.

Kamael: Kamael is the angel of justice and is often seen with a set of scales or a sword in his hand. He is believed to be the one who showed mankind the way of justice and righteousness.

Overall, the archangels are powerful spiritual beings who are believed to guard and protect humanity. They are thought to bring comfort, strength, and guidance to those who need it. They are also said to be the spiritual messengers of God, bringing His will to earth. Whether you believe in the twelve archangels or not, it’s important to be aware of their existence and the roles that they play in the spiritual realm.

The Fallen 

According to the Bible, Lucifer was an angel who was created perfect in the sight of God. He was given a great position of authority in the heavenly realm, but he became proud and arrogant and desired to be equal to God. He was then condemned and cast out of heaven for his sin of pride, along with a third of the angels who chose to followed him. This is why he is referred to as the “fallen angel”. The Bible also states that this fall from grace was due to Lucifer’s own choices and actions, and not from any fault of God.

From this point, Lucifer was seen as a fallen angel. He was believed to be the source of all evil and temptation, and was said to have been the one who tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

In some versions of the Bible, Lucifer is portrayed as a tempter and a liar, while in other versions, he is seen as a figure of evil. He is often depicted as a serpent or dragon and it is believe to be the one who tempted Jesus in the desert.

The story of Lucifer is one of the most well-known in religious mythology, and his image has been used to represent evil in many cultures. The story of Lucifer serves as a warning to mankind, and it is a reminder that pride can lead people to lose their place in Heaven.

Finally, this showed us that even the most brilliant and beloved of angels can be corrupted by pride and arrogance. It is also a reminder of the need for faith in loving God, who is ultimately in control of the universe.


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