I AM a Book (Parable)

By  Will-I-Am (Ankuphara)

Greetings fellow books I AM a book, I carry forth stories to be told as the words upon my pages have written.  The knowledge within my words is a reflection of the inner knowledge that is within each who read my pages.  There is only truth within my words, just as there is only truth within all words in all books.  As each book within their own perspective is relevant to someone or some thing, as all truth within all words are valid for they are all reflections of the same mirror. 

It is true that not all reflections produce the same apparent picture, yet all reflections are bind to the same one mirror, just as all books are bind within their center.  One book can contain many lives, just as one life can contain many books.  And regardless of the amount of lives or books, they will always remain connected by a common bind within the center. 

It could be seen from a perspective of a closed book who only sees the front or back side of another book, that the binding of another book is to the right or to the left and not within the center.  Yet if this book whom is reading a book opens even its first pages of truth, it will surely see that the center bind is one and the same as its own.  How could one know the truth within each book if they are only seeing it from the front or back? 

Truth changes with the tides of turning pages, and there are as many pages turning as there are books learning from books of a similar bind.  From my perspective of being a book the idea that a fellow book can be only fictional or non-fictional is a strange concept.  It seems to me that a book who has realized that it is a book, with a center bind, is both a fictional and non-fictional creation of the universal library.  It seems to me that it is only the closed books who tend to believe that they can only be in this or that category.  When in the reality of the greater library we all have the same purpose and are equal in our abilities to express our part of the greater truth. 

Growing up in a library I have learned that we each have recorded specific knowledge, experiences, and truths from the universal library.  It seems to me that the natural way of reading my fellow books, is reading them with knowing that we are each bound by a center and that each center holds its own perceptions of equal truth.  I know that I am not the first book to understand this, as I have read it within the pages of truth in many elder books. 

One of the greatest things I love about being a book is the deep sense and feeling of family I have for my fellow books.  In my family it is a common understanding that together as a library we are able to share a much larger portion of the greater truth of the universal library.  I have come across many powerful pages from the elder books, some of them have left me with a great deal of amazement and some of them have left smears from tears within my words upon my pages. 

One day when I asked one of the elder books how I could expand my ability to understand the greater cosmic library.  I was told to focus upon the infinite space between the words, and there I would find the truth that holds all words, pages, books, and libraries together.  The elder also reminded me of the patients it would take in order for me to realize the inner truths I sought. 

I searched my pages far and wide looking for the great truth that rests between the words.  I even asked many of my fellow books if they could show me the truth I was looking for.  It didn’t take me long before I realized that each book I asked could only tell me what they knew and some of them even told me stories so magnificent that at times I thought I knew the truth.  Yet deep within I had the feeling that the truth I truly sought was still waiting for me to understand something that I could not yet put into words. 

Many of my fellow books even told me that if the truth I sought could not be put into words or pictures than surely it did not exist.  When I asked the elder books why my fellow books could not tell me the truth I sought;  I was told that they could only reveal to me what they understood within their own pages.  And any book who I would ask that did know for themselves what the truth was, knew that it would be pointless to try and explain it to me, as they knew that it was beyond the words upon their pages. 

The elder also told me that if I thought I knew what the answer was, then surely I was kidding myself.  This idea challenged everything I had learned in the library where I grew up.  Yet within the bind of my spine I knew that the words the elder spoke came from the great truth that the elder book had found within its own pages.  So I asked the elder for a key that would help me understand, why the great truth I sought could not be contained within just my words and thoughts. 

The elder explained to me that to only look between the words was not enough to understand the great truth I sought, and that truth was both nothing and nowhere.  This is when I realized that every time I looked between the words upon my pages, I was expecting to find something that would be the great truth.  Then one day something powerfully beyond description sent a bolt of energy down my spine and changed something within my pages, yet from the perspective of looking at my pages everything appeared the same. 

How could I find the great truth in something if the great truth was nothing and how could I find the great truth somewhere between the words if it existed nowhere?  The elder told me that the way I understood and knew that all books were connected by a center bind was the same type of knowing that I was looking for which would reveal my truth.  I was told by the elder to try looking without seeing and to trust the knowing, that what I was feeling would lead me to my truth. 

Finally one day after spending many hours looking for my truth I decided that I was done searching.  I decided that if I was meant to know the truth then it would come to me, I was tired of reading, thinking, looking, and trying.  I let go of every thought of words that crossed my mind, and I began to feel a feeling that I can not describe with words.  The more I let go of having to understand, to know, and to think the more intense this indescribable feeling became. 

The deeper I went in to this feeling, the more my mind became still and the more my mind became still, the clearer my feelings became.  Then I beheld a most magnificent vision.  I saw how the library I grew up in was connected to an infinite string of libraries that stretched across the entire universe.  I saw how I used to think that the library I grew up in was the totality of my knowledge and awareness.  When in the reality of my vision I could see that the library that I use to think was my entire reality, was a very small portion of a much larger cosmic library. 

It became more and more difficult for me to see the difference between a page and book, and a book and a library.  I began to realize that the truth I had put so much energy towards understanding, I knew within myself the whole time. I also saw how the infinite space between the words was the silence within my own mind, which is the same energy that is center of all our binds.  In my vision I also saw how the first word written in the first book created, was also the last word written in the last book created, with all of the books in between being of the same word. 

When I returned to the elder book it explained to me how it was necessary for me to lose my thoughts in order to find myself nowhere, which has created the experience for me to find myself now here.  As we can never not be where we are, nor not be where we are suppose to.  Now I know that each book must find its own truth by deciding how it feels about the words written within its own pages, then and only then can it know the greater truth that writes all of our pages. 

 For in the reality of the cosmic library we are all pages upon the great book of life.  


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