4 corner stones2 - KHRISTRON

Four Cornerstones of Total Wellbeing

By  The Center of Being

When all these cornerstones are present you will achieve the foundation of balance that is total wellness or Harmonic Well-Being.  Balance is a necessity to feel this sense of radiant being of pure and wellness. When one of these cornerstones is missing, this balance is disrupted and the foundation becomes unstable, resulting in the manifestation of dis-ease and other troubles, thus making it challenging to build Harmonic Well-Being. 

There are 4 cornerstones that need’s to be developed continually to achieve the highest reward of Harmonic Well-Being. This is not a destination but a journey. Harmonic Well-Being is a lifelong process and a conscious lifestyle. Here are the four cornerstones:

1. Spirituality: A conscious connection to the great mystery or life-force that flows through all things. This mystery has been called by many names such as God, the Most High, Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, The One, Creator or the Heavenly Father. It is important that you be on a path of righteousness centered in love and gratitude. 

2. Health: Physical and mental well-being, this includes being free from or properly managing all previous dis-ease and requires proper nutrition, physical activity and of course positivity! 

3. Relationship: Having a solid, nurturing, kind and trustful relationship with yourself and others, including your mate, co-workers, family members, friends and associates. Harmony with these people depends on the stability of your emotional body. 

4. Phi-nancial Abundance: This means that you have enough security to live without concern for “not having” in the social construct in which you currently reside. Phi-nancial Abundance is being neither rich nor poor. 


“Health is dependent on mans’ harmonious relationship with all the forces of nature sun, water, air, food, fellow man, earth and joy.” 

A solid foundation provides an opportunity to build stronger and longer lasting structures. When all four cornerstones are present you will achieve the foundation of balance necessary for building total wellness or Harmonic Well-Being. Balance is a necessity to feel this sense of radiance and vibrance that equals pure wellness. When one of these cornerstones is missing this balance is disrupted and the foundation becomes unstable, resulting in the manifestation of dis-ease and other unnecessary life challenges. 

Abundance is the feeling of having enough to spare. This is different for each individual and has very little to do with amassing large sums of money or material possessions. It is a state of Being. To be in a state of abundance is to feel no sense of desperation or depravation.  

We live in a society that promotes a closed consciousness. The success of this system depends upon our pathways to truth.   

We must choose to create a new paradigm of living: a simple lifestyle of natural, healthy, creative and meaningful existence. This change begins with your personal development and re-patterning of your present lifestyle through a shift in bad habits and uninformed or poor choices.  

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