
The Nature of the Soul
The soul is often thought of as an intangible and mysterious entity, but its functions are deeply important to many spiritual and religious...
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Is the Universe a Fractal?
A fractal is a mathematical concept that can be used to describe a wide range of natural phenomena. It is a pattern that has the same...
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Four Modalities of Conscious Mind
The human mind is complex and powerful, and it can be broken down into four distinct parts. These parts are the conscious mind, subconscious...
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What is the Monad
The Monad is an ancient symbol of divine unity that has been around since antiquity. It has been used in various ancient cultures, from...
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Frequency Based Sound Healing
Frequency based sound healing is a form of alternative medicine that has been growing in popularity in recent years. It is based on the...
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The Potential Dangers of AI
The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for decades but only recently has it become a reality. AI is an area of computer...
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What is Sacred Geometry?
Sacred geometry is an ancient practice that uses mathematics and geometry to explain the interconnectedness of life and the universe....
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What's Predictive Programming?
Predictive programming is a tool used by corporations and other organizations to subtly influence people’s thoughts and behaviors. It...
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